Ordinary and extraordinary: everything in the universe contains aspects of both. Consider the solar system. You could look out upon the real planets, orbiting The Sun or you could build your own model, like this.
1AU = one astronomical unit. That’s the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
1AU Global Media: that’s us.
Regular readers know that one week a year our regular blog calls “TIME OUT!” Yep: we’re there right now. But we’ll be back on the first Monday in January with new ideas for you to consider, to share, and to discuss.
Trivia question? Did you know that the weekly blog actually has a name? It’s true. The blog is officially called FASTER THAN LIGHT: 1AU’s weekly blog of ideas, broadcasting live from the edge of known space.
We don’t use it much, but we might start! Like it? Let us know. Have other, bigger, bolder, more colorful ideas you’d like to consider? Let us know them too!
We're looking forward to an exciting new year in 2015. In the news section of our website you can follow tales of our exploits. Here on the blog the topic generally concerns the many ways to think about being creative, from what fuels creativity, to how we lose it, to engaging it in diverse and surprising—or even simply reliable—ways. We're also looking forward to hearing from you. If you're a current client, a possible client, a fan or a friend, or perhaps you found us by happenstance on the Infinite World-spanning Interwebs, drop us a line. You can reach us easily, either in our comments section, via our many social media links, or by…(y’know?)… old fashioned e-mail!
Get in touch. In 2015 let us help you propel your important media needs out to the solar system…and then GO FARTHER.
All the best for a great new year!
...from the team at 1AU Global Media, LLC