This Thursday, February 9, Michael Starobin will be joining a keynote panel at the 2017 Space Exploration Educators Conference in Houston, Texas, discussing the nexus of art and science. Later in the day he'll lead a workshop on related topics. He starts the workshop with a talk titled STARGAZERS: Abstraction & Romanticism for Science Teachers. Planning to attend? Stop by and say hello! The plenary keynote begins at 8:30 on Thursday morning. The workshop begins at 12:45 -- with time for Q&A to follow.
I’m pleased to announce a public speaking engagement, coming soon. On Friday, Sept. 11, I’ll be the kick-off speaker for the Fall season of the Leadership Breakfast of Maryland. My invited talk will be a multimedia presentation aimed at Washington metro area business leaders. The talk starts at 7:30 a.m. sharp—bright and early!—with time for Q&A to follow. Business attire. Interested in attending? Send me a note or call 1AU and we'll arrange a guest pass.
1AU President and Creative Director Michael Starobin will be speaking at the Deep Carbon Observatory's Modeling and Visualization Workshop in Washington DC. The event is sponsored by The Smithsonian Institution and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Read MoreWe love the Science Museum of Minnesota! Great to be back in St. Paul!
We'll be in St. Paul all week for the 2014 Science On a Sphere conference! Stop by and say hello!
Read MoreThis is the Millennium Falcon of climate research aircraft. Seriously!
Ice, Ice, Baby
Just back from Greenland, the team is on to new adventures, new projects, and new ideas. But that doesn't change one profound truth: what an extraordinary trip! NASA's IceBridge mission continues to conduct profoundly important-- and profoundly challenging--research about what's happening to Earth's climate. The work takes place far away from ordinary life, with limited creature comfort, and even more limited contact with rhythms of days left behind. It was a privlidge to travel with this extraordinary team, and it will be our great privlidge to do so again someday.
Below you'll find a few links to videos produced on location. The production conditions were tough in every way, but the work was the adventure of a lifetime.
These remote, icy reaches on Earth may be far, far, far from your ordinary days, but they play a vital role in the character and future of your home planet. Photo by Michael Studinger/NASA
For the month of April we're back on the road. Or…off, off, off road, as the case may be! Cameras in hand and hands firmly in gloves, I'll be traveling to a remote airstrip in Western Greenland called Kangerlussuaq. Embedded with a top-notch team of NASA researchers, the gig is all about telling stories about how to study changed in global ice cover. To do this, I'm embedded with the research team, flying low altitudes transects over remote reaches of polar ice in a retrofitted P3 Otter airplane like something out of Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Star Trek.
The mission is called IceBridge. For news about the project visit NASA's official social media sites at
and on Twitter
For my own, more personal dispatches from the field, you can follow me in Greenland at (assuming my frozen fingers finagle some Wi-Fi)
on Twitter
And, of course, the weekly blog will not be interrupted, dear readers. Each Monday, check in our latest thoughts about creativity, right here at 1AU Global Media.
GPM flies later today!
GPM is scheduled to lift off tonight! Check out two pre-launch videos about the mission here.
Greetings from Minimatane! Video #1
Read MoreOff to Japan!
After years of planning (and three cool movies, of course!), NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement mission is finally ready for launch.
The launch is scheduled for February 27 at 1:07 EST, all things going well. That's the middle of the night at the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan, but I'll be there, camera rolling, ready to bring the story to the world.
The GPM launch caps an extraordinary adventure for us at 1AU. We have a long history with NASA's Earth science enterprises, and GPM is one of the biggest. Our recent film about the mission called WATER FALLS just opened around the world. The response continues to be extremely positive. In fact, the creative work done on behalf of this mission has again and again invigorated us with opportunities and great moments of inventive life.
Check out my tweets from Japan
to follow the story. I'll be posting pix and URLs to all sorts of cool stuff!
Public Lecture on February 10 at Hood College
Come to a public lecture on creativity in modern culture from 1AU founder Michael Starobin on Feb 10 at Hood College. 7PM in Hodson Auditorium!
Read MoreThis was one of many audiences who crowded in to the Planet Adirondack Theater at The Wild Center yesterday for the premiere of WATER FALLS.
Great day at The Wild Center yesterday at the world premiere of Water Falls.
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