If you want to make new things, you need to know the history of field in which you’re working. A working knowledge of the past gives you tools to function in the present.  Woody Allen couldn’t exist without Groucho Marx knocking ash from his cigar. The Tesla couldn’t exist without the Prius silently pulling out of the garage.

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Ultimately the Star Wars mythology asserts that galactic order is a function of militant power exerted willfully, whether from the light side or dark side. Taken as a political exegesis, I fear the influence of this tale, even if the adolescent geek that gleefully resides inside me can’t wait to see the movie.

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The best smart people in my opinion are those who are unafraid to pose a challenging idea, even a contrary idea, but can do so without becoming a bore, or worse, a wrecking ball. Elite skills need to speak for themselves without practitioners having to mentally file everyone else into hierarchical categories.

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When I experience or even hear about gestures of civility, I’m thankful. The alternative to endless vitriol offers profound potentials for invention, for growth, and even pleasure. On Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for demonstrations of people finding ways simply to treat each other well, or at least with respect.

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