In the main hall the ceiling will soar above everyone, underground, with near magical light shining on opportunities and courageous perseverance and solidified resolutions of city officials, consultants by the score, and financiers. The transit station will declare the power of some, but it will profoundly serve the diverse needs of all.

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None of us can carry all of our life experiences with us everyday, per se, but that doesn’t mean we can’t create ways to keep track of them. Just like runners arrive at each race through an accumulation of training and experience that leads up to the starting line, each of our lives can only be possible by an accumulation of experiences we choose to regard as parts of a much larger whole. When we break apart the moments of our lives into narrow, compartmentalized good moments and bad moments, we reduce ourselves to little more than highlight reels.

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There’s never a way to know where you’ll find the creative process. People find ways to express it all the time, and sometimes it appears where you least expect it. Many people aren’t even consciously in touch with what motivates them to exercise their creative spirits. It simply emerges like flowers from the ground. In more easily identified, “traditional” artistic disciplines the trait is easier to spot; we recognize paintings and sculptures more easily than smart marigold beds.

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Here at the edge of the world creative souls still stir. With almost no time for anything but work and essential labors necessary to maintain life and limb,  literature and accomplished music and modern dance will not grow. It’s a simple statement and it’s true, just like tomato plants to not yield fruit in the desert.  But here and there, in nuanced ways, I see expressions of individual expression, of ways to remake the world.

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